Dive Insurance – Are You Covered?


Nobody wants to think about the accident that could occur under water, but the bottom line is that something can go wrong. Having divers insurance is just like any other. While it may seem like a scary thought to have, and we would all love to just wish away the bad, having it if you are ever in trouble can mean avoiding some rather large hassles later on. Instead of just hoping for the best, instead cover both yourself and even your loved ones with proper divers insurance. Knowing what can and is provided under certain plans can help make diving more enjoyable, because you know even if something goes awry, you have a backup to help you once you get out of the water safely.


Coverage can range from the individual to the group packages. Usually diving coverage is highly affordable, somewhere in between $25-100 per year per person covered. This makes diving coverage a must for consistent divers. However, even if you are only the occasional recreational diver, putting $100 down a month to ensure you safety if the mood should strike you is a great investment in your health. It can also save you thousands if you or your loved one find yourself in an unfortunate situation during a dive.

The Basics

Plans will often cover travel and on-site assistance at their basic level. This means that if one must be transported to a medical center by helicopter or ambulance, they will be covered. There are also minor injury coverages at the basic level. The extent of these minor injury coverages are on a company-by-company basis. Usually basic plans will not cover permanent or disability damage. Depending on the company, they may not cover other assortments of pricings like extra stay or extra transportation (if incurred).

Premium Plans

As one would expect, premium plans will often cover a higher range of happenstances. Usually premium plans will cover intensive injury, permanent damage incurred, and disability. It is important to check your fine print when searching for the right provider. Other coverages may include cancellation coverage, extra transportation coverage, as well as lost equipment coverage.

Not All Insurers are the Same

It is important to do you due diligence when looking into divers insurance. Keeping an eye out for disparities between companies can help you understand which company is best for you. Some companies will provide lower prices with less expansive coverages. Others may be too expensive for the amount of coverage they provide. Remember to keep in mind what is best for you and your loved ones who may go diving with you, then make the appropriate decision regarding your insurance. Always keep in mind where and when you tend to dive to help you choose more properly. Knowing which coverage is right for you is usually a personal choice, but it is a good rule to be safe rather than sorry, and keeping in mind what may be within the differing types of insurance coverage is important.

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